ZFF- Audiobook

Zero Fitness FucX: Making Fitness Work For You and None of the BS (The Complete Fitness Guide (Non Technical Series 1))

In a world full of Information, most of which aren’t vetted or useful. Zero Fitness FucX brings a fresh, simple yet insightful perspective into the Fitness and Health category.

Useful, concise and straight to point Guides on Fitness and Wellness. Ideal for all fitness levels, and even those with little to no experience about Fitness.
Answers to questions and Solutions to Fitness problems.

If Transformation is the Goal, then this book is a must read. Topics about what type of shoe to wear, how your association affects your goals. Also talked about are Hormones, stress, Overcoming mental block, Nutrition, as well as the question of Nurture versus Nature among other topics.

ZFF EBook Version

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